In the previous chapter we have treated a model which takes into account the
short range excluded volume effect. The long range excluded volume effect however has not been taken into account, in
concreto: two monomers whose indices along the chain differ by more than 4
units may happen to occupy the same position, something that in a real
system is impossible. As we shall see in the next chapter Eq. (1.46) is a direct consequence of this fact. In fact numerous computer
simulations have shown that in reality
Calculation of the coefficient
is an extremely hard problem. In the
case of a chain in vacuum like in Eq. (2.2) one may
intuitively understand why
Consider building the chain by
consecutively adding monomers. At every step there are on average more
monomers in the back than in front of the last monomer. Therefore the chain
can gain entropy by going out, and being larger than a chain in which the new
monomer does not feel its predecessors.
For chains in a solvent the story may be different. In a good solvent the situation is like in vacuum. In a bad solvent
however apart from the excluded volume, which is nothing but the short range
van der Waals interaction , two monomers may feel an effective
attraction at distances just outside the van der Waals radius. In case this
attraction is strong enough it may cause the chain to shrink. Of course
there is a whole range between good and bad solvents, and at some point both
effects cancel and Eq. (1.46) holds true. A solvent having this
property is called a -solvent .
Now we come to Flory's argument . In a polymer melt, every monomer is
isotropically surrounded by other monomers, and there is no way to decide
whether the surrounding monomers belong to the same chain as the monomer at
hand or to a different one. Consequently there will be no preferred
direction and the polymer melt will act as a -solvent.
Flory's hypothesis has gotten some credibility from experiments and computer simulations. Here we shall adopt the hypothesis and use it to calculate the intramolecular distribution function defined below. Using the integral equation theory of simple liquids we shall then calculate the complete radial distribution function.