Next: Viscosity of a dilute
Up: The Rouse chain
Previous: Correlation of the end-to-end
In this section we study the mean square displacements of the individual monomers. Using
Eq. (6.24) and the fact that different modes are not
correlated, we get
(6.43) |
Introducing Eq. (6.38) we get
(6.44) |
where we have used Eqs. (6.30) and (6.31) to
calculate the first term, and Eqs. (6.39) and (6.40
) for the second term.
There are two different limits to Eq. (6.44). First, when tis very large, i.e.
the first term will dominate, yielding
(6.45) |
This is consistent with the fact that the polymer as a whole diffuses with
diffusion constant DG.
Secondly, suppose
Then the sum in Eq. (6.44)
will dominate. Averaging over all monomers, and replacing the sum over kby an integral we get
Performing the final integral we get
(6.47) |
So, at short times the mean square displacement of a typical monomer goes
like the square root of t.
Next: Viscosity of a dilute
Up: The Rouse chain
Previous: Correlation of the end-to-end
W.J. Briels