Next: Normal coordinates and the
Up: The Zimm chain
Previous: The Zimm chain
One obvious way to improve on the Rouse chain, is by introducing
hydrodynamic interactions between the beads. The chain so defined is
called the Zimm chain . The equations describing hydrodynamic interactions have
been obtained in section 5.4.
Let us now derive the equations of motion of the beads in a Zimm chain. Let
be the probability density of finding
at time t.
The time development of
(7.1) |
is the flux of particles j. This flux may be
written as
(7.2) |
The first term results from the forces
felt by all
the beads. On the Smoluchowski time scale , these forces make the beads move with
constant velocities
This amounts to saying that the forces
are exactly balanced by the hydrodynamic forces acting on the beads k,
i.e. the forces exerted by the fluid on the beads k are equal to
Introducing these forces into Eq. (5.54), we
find the systematic part of the velocity of bead j:
(7.3) |
Multiplying this velocity by
we obtain the systematic part of the
flux of particle j. The second term in Eq. (7.2) stems from
the random displacements of all beads, which result in a flux along the
negative gradient of the probability density.
Combining Eqs. (7.1) and (7.2) we find
(7.4) |
is the inverse of
In the
stationary state the right hand side must be zero, and
From this it follows that
(7.5) |
which is a generalization of the Einstein equation .
The equation of motion of the probability density, i.e. the Smoluchowski
equation , now reads
(7.6) |
The Langevin equations corresponding to this Smoluchowski equation are
The reader can easily check that these reduce to the equations of motion of
the Rouse chain when hydrodynamic interactions are neglected.
Let us note at this point that for the approximation of the mobility tensor
we make use of
(7.9) |
which greatly simplifies Eq. (7.7).
Next: Normal coordinates and the
Up: The Zimm chain
Previous: The Zimm chain
W.J. Briels