Next: The radius of gyration
Up: The Rotational Isomeric State
Previous: Some probabilities
A rough measure of the average size of the polymer is given by the mean
square end-to-end vector , which we shall calculate in this section. Related
properties are the radius of gyration , and the persistence length . Both of them may be calculated using methods
similar to the ones in this section.
The end-to-end vector is given by
(1.27) |
The mean square then reads
Again assuming the chain is infinitely long, we may put
independent on i. Then
where (N-n) is the number of times the distance n may occur along the
We now set forth to calculate
In order to do so we need to calculate the scalar product
as a function of the angles
To this end we associate with every monomer i a
Cartesian coordinate system
Every vector
may then be expanded like
(1.30) |
The precise definition of the local coordinate system is given in Appendix
A. Here we only mention that
A particular example of Eq. (1.30) is
(1.32) |
The matrix
is calculated in Appendix B.
The scalar product
now reads
and in general
(1.34) |
from which we get
(1.35) |
We finally calculate the remaining average using the methods of the last
where again we have omitted the subscript ''max''. We may write this in a
concise form like
(1.37) |
where E3 is the 3-d unit matrix. In terms of direct products of matrices
this reads
(1.38) |
Introducing everything into Eq. (1.35) we get
(1.40) |
For infinitely long chains we can analytically sum, obtaining
(1.41) |
where E9 is the 9-d unit matrix. In this derivation of Eq. (1.41) we have made use of
for large N.
Similar equations, but much more complicated, may be derived for
For these and other equations we refer to P.J. Flory,
Statistical Mechanics of Chain Molecules .
Next: The radius of gyration
Up: The Rotational Isomeric State
Previous: Some probabilities
W.J. Briels