publications 2001
M.A.I. Schutyser, J.T. Padding, F.J. Weber, W.J. Briels,
A. Rinzema and R. Boom
Discrete particle simulations predicting mixing behavior of solid
substrate particles in a rotating drum fermenter
Biotech. Bioeng. 75, 666 (20 December 2001).
H.L. Tepper and W.J. Briels
Crystallization and melting in the Lennard-Jones system.
Equilibration, relaxation and long-time dynamics
of the moving interface
J. Chem. Phys. 115, 9434 (22 November 2001).
H.L. Tepper
Molecular Dynamics of Crystal Growth and Transport in Zeolites.
In Search of The Macroscopic Limit
Thesis, University of Twente (26 October 2001).
R.L.C. Akkermans and W.J. Briels
Coarse-grained interactions in polymer melts: A variational approach
J. Chem. Phys. 115, 6210 (1 October 2001).
J.T. Padding and W.J. Briels
Uncrossability constraints in mesoscopic polymer melt simulations:
Non-Rouse behavior of C120H242
J. Chem. Phys. 115, 2846 (8 August 2001).
H.L. Tepper and W.J. Briels
Simulations of crystallization and melting at the fcc (100) interface:
the crucial role of lattice imperfections
J. Cryst. Growth 230, 270 (July 2001).
J.T. Padding and W.J. Briels
Zero-shear stress relaxation and long time dynamics of a linear
polyethylene melt: A test of Rouse theory
J. Chem. Phys. 114, 8685 (15 May 2001).
W.K. den Otter and J.H.R. Clarke
A new algorithm for dissipative particle dynamics
Europhys. Lett. 53, 426 (February 2001).
R.L.C. Akkermans and W.J. Briels
A structure-base coarse-grained model for polymer melts
J. Chem. Phys. 114, 1020 (8 January 2001).