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Publications 2009

Failure-mode transition in transient polymer networks with paticle-based simulations
J.Sprakel, E. Spruijt, J. van der Gucht, J.T. Padding and W.J. Briels
Soft Matter 5, 4748 (2009)

Transient forces in flowing soft matter
W.J. Briels
Soft Matter 5, 4401 (2009)

this_paper.pdf Free energies of stable and meta-stable pores in lipid membranes under tension
W.K. den Otter
J. Chem. Phys. 131, 205101 (2009)

this_paper.pdf Review of multi-scale particulate simulation of the rheology of wormlike micellar fluids
J.T. Padding, W.J. Briels, M.R. Stukan and E.S. Boek
Soft Matter 5, 4367 (2009).

Modelling hydrodynamics and swimming efficiency of fish
D. Reid, J.T. Padding, H. Hildenbrandt and C.K. Hemelrijk
Compar. Biochem. Physiol. A 153, S125 (2009).

this_paper.pdf Kayaking and wagging of liquid crystals under shear: comparing director and mesogen motions
Y.G. Tao, W.K. den Otter and W.J. Briels
Europhys. Lett. 86, 56005 (June 2009)

this_paper.pdf Hydrodynamics of confined colloidal fluids in two dimensions
Jimaan Sané, Johan T. Padding and Ard A. Louis
Phys. Rev. E 79, 051402 (May 2009).

this_paper.pdf Efficient simulation of non-crossing fibers and chains in a hydrodynamic solvent
J.T. Padding
J. Chem. Phys. 130, 144903 (14 April 2009)

Flow around fish-like shapes studied using Multi-Particle Collision Dynamics
D.A.P. Reid, J.T. Padding, H. Hildenbrandt and C.K. Hemelrijk
Phys. Rev. E 79, 046313 (April 2009)

this_paper.pdf Microphase separation and liquid-crystalline ordering of rod-coil copolymers
A. AlSunaidi, W. K. den Otter and J.H.R. Clarke
J. Chem. Phys. 130, 124910 (28 March 2009)

Presentations 2009

In silico self-assembly of clathrin-like triskelia into polyhedral cages
W.K. den Otter
Veldhoven, December 8, 2009

Coarse graining of slow variables
W.J. Briels
Stockholm, November 18, 2009

Simulations of transient forces in soft matter
W.J. Briels
Madison, October 20, 2009

Patchy particle simulations of clathrin cage assembly
W.K. den Otter
Lausanne, 14 July 2009

Simulations of worm-like micelles, lipid membranes and clathrins
W.K. den Otter
Athens, 22-25 June 2009

Single particle simulations of tri-block co-polymer telechelics rheology
W.J. Briels
Venice, 6 May 2009

Computer simulations of rheology of worm-like micelles
W.J. Briels
Venice, 4 May 2009

Phase separation and internal facial dynamics in quiescent and sheared liquids
W.K. den Otter
Warwick, 7 April 2009

A single particle model describing melts of linear polymers
W.J. Briels
Jülich, 10 March 2009

The Double-layer Contribution to Single Particle Thermodiffusion
W.J. Briels
Tokyo, 18 February 2009

Course grain simulations of Soft Matter
W.J. Briels
Tokyo, 16 February 2009

A single particle model describing melts of linear polymers
W.J. Briels
Tokyo, group prof. Tanaka 13 February 2009

A single particle model describing melts of linear polymers
W.J. Briels
Tokyo, group prof. Doi 12 February 2009

Phase separation in quiescent and sheared liquids - a simulation study
W.K. den Otter
Lunteren, 10 February 2009

Microphases in bidimensional fluids: simulation results
A. Imperio
Lunteren, 10 February 2009

Hydrodynamic interactions and uncrossability in Brownian fiber networks
J.T. Padding
Jülich, 5 February 2009

Dynamics and rheology of wormlike micelles emerging from computer simulations
J.T. Padding
Eindhoven, 13 January 2009

Poster presentations 2009

Dynamics and rheology of entangled polymer melts from a single particle polymer model
W.J. Briels
Chamonix, 1 - 6 February 2009

Interfacial dynamics of binary liquid films
W.K. den Otter, J.T. Padding, A.K. Thakre and W.J. Briels
Veldhoven, 20-21 January 2009

Dynamics and rheology of wormlike micelles emerging from particulate computer simulations
J.T. Padding, E.S. Boek and W.J. Briels
Veldhoven, 20-21 January 2009