Publications 2011
Spindles and active vortices
in a model of confined filament-motor mixtures
D.A. Head, W.J. Briels and G. Gompper
BMC Biophysics 12, 1407 (November 2011)
The generation of curved clathrin coats from flat plaques
W.K. den Otter and W.J. Briels
Traffic 12, 1407 (October 2011)
Alignment of particles in sheared viscoelastic fluids
I.S. Santos de Oliveira, A. van den Noort, J.T. Padding,
W.K. den Otter and W.J. Briels
J. Chem. Phys. 135, 104902 (September 2011)
Systematic coarse-graining of the dynamics of entangled polymer melts:
the road from chemistry to rheology
J.T. Padding, and W.J. Briels
J. Phys. Condens. Matt. 23, 233101 (June 2011)
Mesoscale modeling of the rheology of pressure sensitive adhesives
through inclusion of transient forces
J.T. Padding, L.V. Mohite, D. Auhl, W.J. Briels and C. Bailly
Soft Matter 7, 5036 (May 2011)
Microscopic basis for pattern formation and anomalous transport
in two-dimensional active gels
D.A. Head, G. Gompper and W.J. Briels
Soft Matter 7, 3116 (April 2011)
Force calculation on walls and embedded particles in
multiparticle-collision-dynamics simulations
A. Imperio, J.T. Padding and W.J. Briels
Phys. Rev. E 83, 046704 (April 2011)
Diffusion of spherical particles in microcavities
A. Imperio, J.T. Padding and W.J. Briels
J. Chem. Phys. 134, 154904 (April 2011)
Transient forces and non-equilibrium states
in sheared polymer networks
J. Sprakel, J.T. Padding and W.J. Briels
Eurphys. Lett. 93, 58003 (March 2011)
Constitutive equations for the flow behavior of entangled polymeric systems:
application to star polymers
W.J. Briels, D. Vlassopoulos, K. Kang and J.K.G. Dhont
J. Chem. Phys. 134, 124901 (March 2011)
Presentations 2011
Dissipation in confined liquids
studied with AFM measurements and MD simulations
S.J.A. de Beer, W.K. den Otter, H.T.M. van den Ende, W.J. Briels
and F. Mugele
SoftComp meeting, Crete, 16 May 2011
Dissipation in confined liquid films
S.J.A. de Beer, W.K. den Otter, H.T.M. van den Ende, W.J. Briels
and F. Mugele
Jülich, 13 May 2011
Self-assembly of clathrin triskelia into polyhedral cages
W.K. den Otter
Chemische Wetenschappen, Veldhoven, 15 March 2011
Self-assembly of polyhedral clathrin cages simulated
W.K. den Otter
Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, 19 January 2011
On the dissipation and oscillatory solvation forces in confined liquids
S.J.A. de Beer, W.K. den Otter, H.T.M. van den Ende, W.J. Briels
and F. Mugele
Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, 19 January 2011
Alignment of colloidal particles in sheared viscoelastic fluids
W.K. den Otter
Burgersdag, Delft, 13 January 2011
Poster presentations 2011
Simulations of clathrin self-assembly into polyhedral cages
W.K. den Otter and W.J. Briels
8th EBSA European Biophysics Congress, Budapest, 23-27 August 2011
Clathrin self-assembly into polyhedral cages by computer simulations
W.K. den Otter, M.R. Renes and W.J. Briels
Biophysical society 55th annual meeting, Baltimore, 5-9 March 2011
Alignment of colloids in sheared viscoelastic fluids
I.S. Santos de Oliveira, W.K. den Otter, J.T. Padding and W.J. Briels
Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, 18-19 January 2011
Scaling laws of the RaPiD one-particle polymer model
L. Liu, W.K. den Otter, J.T. Padding and W.J. Briels
Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, 18-19 January 2011